It has been another busy week in Reception. Inspired by our exciting visit from Henry the Hedgehog last week, the children were keen to make their own hedgehogs. They carefully modelled the body out of clay and used coloured sticks to make the prickles for their very own ‘hoglet’.
The children have also started learning to work with a partner, facing such challenges as building a bridge across a ‘river’ for the three billy goats gruff to walk across. The children could use any items in the classroom, but the bridges could not touch the water. All children demonstrated lovely teamwork, wonderfully creative ideas (some including ‘conveyor belts’ made from tape measures!) and super vocabulary as they sources materials and shared ideas.
The children continued working with a learning partner in maths, finding, sorting, and ordering various natural objects in the Pre-Prep garden. In Outdoor Classroom, they enjoyed making crowns from autumn leaves.
Lastly, the children have continued learning and practicing their phonics, French, music, PSED, PE and swimming.
Super learning Reception!
Mrs Harris