We were delighted to welcome Father Fabrice from Burkina Faso to school to lead our start of term Mass. At the end he thanked us for the support we give to St Benoit School.
‘Permit me at the end of this Mass to say a word of appreciation to the school staff members and to the entire school. Indeed we are very grateful to you for all that you have been doing in Burkina Faso, especially for the school of St Benoit in Fada which benefits immensely from your generosity.
We are blessed to have Mrs Nicholls coming to Burkina Faso every year since 2005. There is a proverb in my country which says, ‘When the fish comes out of the water and tell you that the crocodile is toothless, you cannot but believe.’ Just to say that Gillie knows our realities and needs and with your contribution and support we are helped appropriately and conveniently.
Thanks so much and may God continue to shower his blessings abundantly upon you. Long live Barrow Hills and long live St Benoit.’
Fr Fabrice