
Barrow Hills follows the UK academic year from September to July over three terms. Each term has a half term which is two weeks in the longer Autumn Term, and one week in the Spring and Summer Terms.

School fees for the 2024-25 academic year are available below for download, including breakfast and after school care. In addition to the fees there is a charge for personal accident insurance; details of the scheme can be viewed in the Policies section of this website.

Fees List

Academic year 2024-2025 – from 1st January 2025

Note all fees are either exempt or out of the scope of VAT unless stated otherwise

Registration Fee – Payable on registration and non-refundable
Nursery / Kindergarten – and Years 1-8 £120 (inc. VAT)
Please see the School’s Terms and Conditions for information on how and when the Acceptance Deposit may be refunded.
Acceptance Deposit  
Payable by the parents of each pupil on acceptance of a place
Nursery / Kindergarten – age 2+
Morning session* per day per term with lunch from 08:15-12:30 £560
Afternoon session* per day per term without lunch from 13:30-15:15 £245
One full day per term with lunch from 08:15-15:15 £765
* A minimum of 3 sessions are required in Nursery and 6 sessions in Kindergarten.  
Reception – Year 8 
Fees are per term including morning snack, lunch and match tea. Fees include VAT and include a 5% discount for the spring and summer term of 2025, following the introduction of VAT on fees from January 2025.
Reception per term from 08:15-15:15
Years 1-2 per term from 08:15-15:20/15:25 £5,409.30
Year 3 per term 08:15-16:30
(With the option of going home at 15:30 on Tuesdays and Fridays or remaining at School in club/study)
Year 4 per term 08:15-16:30
(With the option of going home at 15:30 on Tuesdays and Fridays or remaining at School in club/study)
Years 5-6 per term 08:15-16:30 £7,603.80
Years 7-8 per term from 08:15-16:30 £8,151.00
Administration Charge 
In the event of late payment of Fees, or missed / failed payments, the School reserves the right to recover administration and bank charges as set out in clause 4.11 of the School’s Terms and Conditions.  These are typically between £35 and £65. This is in addition to the School’s right to charge late payment interest as set out in clause 4.10 of the School’s Terms and Conditions. 
Invoiced termly in arrears
Breakfast Club (Reception to Year 8)** £1.40 per day from 07:45
Breakfast £1.20 (inc. VAT)
After School Club (Nursery-Kindergarten)** £2.40 per quarter hour from 15:30-16:30
£3 per quarter hour from 16:30 to 18:00.
Hot tea £3.00
After School Club (Years 1-2)** £2.40 per quarter hour from 15:30-16:30
£3 per quarter hour from 16:30 to 18:00.
Hot tea £3.60 (inc. VAT)
Study Club (Years 3-8)** £3.00 per quarter hour from 16:45-18:00.
Hot tea £3.60 (inc. VAT)
Late Pick Up fee £20.00 per quarter of an hour (or part thereof) after 18:00
Common Entrance Exams (Year 8) Approximately £140
Educational visits and other trips Educational visits which do not directly form part of the curriculum and other trips up to £30 each will be added to School bills.  For individual trips exceeding these costs, permission will first be sought from parents / guardians.
Learning Support
For pupils who have a specific learning difficulty.
One to one and small group support is available at an additional cost. Rates will be agreed on a case by case basis before additional lessons begin.
Barrow Hills Community Committee £10 voluntary contribution per child to the School’s Parents’ Association.
Personal Accident Insurance £6 Termly fee per child.
** Subject to booking and staff availability. 
We currently run two bus routes as follows, invoiced termly in arrears
Pupils in years 2 to 8
Haslemere See School website for details and prices
Extra-curricular and Activities
Extra-curricular activities and clubs such as Ballet etc. are paid directly to the company providing them.  Full details of clubs and activities are provided via the School’s portal.
Music lessons  
The music department aims to offer thirty lessons in each study over each academic year.  N.B. Music books and exams will incur an additional charge.
The charges for individual music tuition will be £36.00 (inc. VAT) per 30-minute lesson
In respect of Music, lessons are chargeable, irrespective of a pupil’s attendance or otherwise.  At least half a term’s notice must be given in writing to the Director of Music if music lessons are to be discontinued, in order that staffing requirements can be adjusted.  Without such notice a term’s fees will be payable, whether or not the pupil attends the lessons concerned.
Music instrument hire £54 (inc. VAT) per term

Helpful payment options

School Fees by Direct Debit

If you wish to pay your school fees by direct debit please contact schoolfees@barrowhills.org for more information.

Sibling Discount

A 5% discount is offered to the second child and 10% to the third and subsequent children whilst the children remain at Barrow Hills. Please note: Discounts are not applied to any extras such as trips, optional activities, personal accident insurance or any other charges. This discount is maintained at Barrow Hills for families where the older child(ren) attend King Edward’s Witley.

Early Year Free Entitlement (EYFE)

We are able to offer EYFE funding for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. This is for children in Nursery, Kindergarten and continuing into Reception up to and including the term in which your child turns 5 years old. At Barrow Hills School EYFE hours must be taken as part of a morning session of not less than 2.5 hours. The afternoon sessions do not count towards any EYFE. In practice this means that you can qualify for the maximum EYFE of 15 hours per week if your child attends for 3 hours on all five days.

Tax Free Childcare (TFC)

We are registered to accept Government Tax-Free Childcare payments. Please contact schoolfees@barrowhills.org for more information.

Childcare Vouchers

Childcare vouchers are accepted from numerous providers and can be used to pay for school fees up to a child’s 5th Birthday. Childcare Vouchers can also be used for breakfast club, after school club and late study from Nursery to Year 8.

Talk with our Admissions team

We warmly invite you to experience the magic of Barrow Hills where our children flourish academically, socially and emotionally. A private tour or open morning is a great opportunity to talk to our children and teachers about what makes our school such a special place.