New Headmaster appointed

Barrow Hills School is appointing a new Head, effective from 1st September 2016.  Mr Sean Skehan will take up the position following the current Headmaster’s, Mr Matthew Unsworth, family emigration to his wife’s homeland Australia, at the end of this term.

The Governors of Barrow Hills selected Mr Skehan from a strong field of candidates. Mr Skehan, a committed Roman Catholic has been in the education sector for the last 25 years, most recently working as a Head at St Andrew’s School in Bedford (independent co-educational Nursery andJunior School / girls’ Senior School) and Deputy Head (Academic) at Mayfield School in East Sussex (independent Catholic boarding and day school for girls aged 11-18).

The new Head will take up residence in the Head’s house with his wife Eva and their daughter in the summer of 2016, although Mr Skehan will be regularly attending key events at Barrow Hills in the run up to his official tenure, commencing with the end of term Carol Service.

Justine Voisin, Chair of Governors, commented, “We have made the selection from an extensive and strong field of candidates, several of whom would have made an excellent Head. By selecting Mr Skehan we have chosen the candidate who, more than any other, we believe can build best on the strengths and leading reputation of Barrow Hills School.”

In the interim, the School will be led by the current Deputy Head (Pastoral) Mr Paul Crisell.