Mr Nick Emsley, astro physics teacher from KES came into to judge our year 5 space project. He took the time to give each of them feedback. Overall winner, went to Hermione for her poster project. This contained a biography, facts and a diary. Nick was very impressed that it was educational, could be used as a teaching aid and not only that but Hermione had imagined what it might be like to visit space herself.
Other special mentions…
Toby – most technically accurate in terms of scale, size and distance
Lucy I – Sheer depth of presentation. Engaging, creative and informative
India – Beautifully simple, tactile
Serena – An accurate representation of the lunar surface
Harry – clever composition to fit with your factual presentation
George – excellent grasp of the mathematics of scale
Lucy P – Engaging presentation of facts
‘Year 5, I am very proud of the enormous effort you all put into this work, thank you.’ Mrs Humphreys. ‘I would also like to thank Mrs Hatcher for doing some lovely marbling work with you. ii looked great as part of our planet display