News from around Pre-Prep

From Nursery to Year 2, the children of Pre-Prep have been busy.

Nursery children have been exploring their new school world this week and enjoyed meeting Mary and Baby Jesus in the Orchard. 

The big cardboard boxes that some of the Nursery furniture arrived in have been recycled this week: Nursery have made a Zebra safari jeep and Kindy have made a big red bus as part of their Transport topic.

The Reception topic about The Arctic and Antarctica have inspired some lovely pictures of Rock hopper and Emperor penguins.

Year 1 are learning about The Victorians and had a visitor on Tuesday 2nd February from a member of staff at Godalming Museum. The children had to pretend they were attending a Victorian school. Mrs Oliphant was a very strict teacher. She showed them some wonderful household objects and the children had to guess what they were used for. Their favourites were the knife polisher and the hair straighteners! They answered some fantastic questions and showed how well they had been listening in their topic lessons.

Year 1 have also produced some lovely art work based on the work on Matisse.

The Great Fire of London and the life of  Nelson Mandela have both proved interesting topics for discussion in Year 2.