Pre-Prep in the sunshine

Nursery and Kindy children staying to After School Club took advantage of the lovely sunshine this week and enjoyed playing in the Kindy garden.

As an introduction to their new topic, Reception class donned their wellies and took to the woods to look for signs of Spring.  The children discovered daffodils, bluebells and primroses, soft green leaves bursting from buds, blossom, singing birds, bees and even hibernating ladybirds.  As a record of their walk, the children made journey sticks as they explored. Collecting leaves, petals and moss and sticking them on to their twigs.  The sun shone and the children enjoyed their outdoor investigation.

Year 1 also had a wonderful afternoon and made the most of the fantastic Pre-Prep woodland area. The children worked in small groups and made their own motte and bailey castles.

All agreed that Spring has sprung … even with the hail we have had this week!