Guys and Dolls

Matthew and Harry opened the show brilliantly in character and Edward (Benny Southstreet) Alexander DGR (Rusty Charlie) and Alexander W (Nicely-Nicely Johnson) led the cast in a very energetic opening song and dance. The Mission Band, Monty and Julien, played their brass instruments enthusiastically and were well supported by Taisy and led by Eleanor in her role as Arvide Abernathy.  Sergeant Sarah Brown was played beautifully by Charlotte (Act 1) and Emily (Act 2). Flyn and Frank both gave very confident performances as Sky Masterson. Eddie and Bethany provided many of the comic moments as Nathan and Adelaide. The gambling gang gave superb performances of memorable songs from the show: Freddie as Harry the Horse, Harry as Angie the Ox, Sam as Robbie the Rat, Max as Liver Lips Louis, Julian as Joey Biltmore, Ben as Shady Des, Matthew as Frankie Fingers and Oli as Society Max. Callum was a very calm and composed Lt Brannigan and General Cartwright was played convincingly by Caitlin in Act 1 and Hettie in Act 2. Oscar gave a credible performance as Big Jule, and Molly wowed the Havana crowd with her Latino dancing!

The whole year group worked together to create a very polished show, singing, dancing and acting with great confidence.  Well done to all children and thanks to Mrs Mason,  Mrs Campbell-John and Mr Wardell for all their support.

Thanks to all who made the production such a success. It is lovely that Year 6 finished the academic year on such a high note.

Please find a selection of photos below, more coming soon!