E-Safety Seminars

On Wednesday we welcomed some guests from  the Lucy Faithfull Foundation who presented three E-safety seminars, one to children in Years 3 to 6, another to children in Years 7 and 8 and one to parents.

They were both interesting and informative and gave the children some sound advice on how to identify potential dangers and stay safe online.

They were able to raise awareness about cyberbullying and talk about how to prevent and respond to it as well as what to do if they are ever concerned. 

The parent session was also very useful and thought provoking with some quite hard hitting videos and useful discussion. We take all safeguarding issues seriously and this is another layer we offer in keeping our children safe at Barrow Hills.

For those who could not make it on the night, here are some useful links.

Lucy Faithfull

Parents Protect

Stop It Now

Mr Crisell, Deputy Head Pastoral