On Tuesday, Reception class set off on their eagerly awaited trip to Bocketts Farm. What is special about this farm is that as well as having animals for the children to see and pet close up, it is also a working farm.
On arrival, the children were taken on a tractor ride around the farmland. They saw lots of animals as well as stunning views of the countryside with the London skyline visible in the distance. During the visit, the children saw sheep, goats, cattle, horse, llamas, donkeys and pigs as well as small animals such as rabbits, mice and guinea pigs inside the barn that they could hold and stroke. Louis also met his namesake in the form of Louis the Border collie who is one of the farm’s working sheep dogs! Lily, the Bocketts Farm guide was fabulous and told the children lots of interesting facts about the animals as well as giving them the opportunity to watch one of the goats being milked.
Perhaps the most exciting, and certainly the noisiest activity was the pig race. Six pigs hurtled around a race track to the cheers and screams of the spectating children. It was hard to see who enjoyed it most – the cheering children or the pigs with their snouts in the troughs at the end of the race! After the thrill of the pig race, the children also got to let of some steam on the mini tractor course before getting back on the minibus and heading home. All in all, it really was a wonderful day out.