First Annual Cross-Country Run Barrow Hills vs King Edward’s Witley

On Friday 2nd December all children in Years 5 – 8 ran 2.2 miles against the Year 7 and 8 pupils from King Edward’s Witley. Barrow Hills had 77 children running and King Edward’s had 50 children running. The winning school was the first school to have 30 runners across the finish line. This year Barrow Hills was the winning school! Our 30th runner (Toby, Year 6) came across the line in 43rd place overall.

The first boy home from Barrow Hills and overall race winner was Hector (Year 8) who finished the course in 12 mins 25 seconds which is now the record. The first girl home from Barrow Hills (and also first girl across the finish line) was Annabelle (Year 6) in 15 mins 56 seconds which now becomes the girls record.

​The course was across beautiful open countryside and then through the woods belonging to King Edward’s. Sixteen marshals were used from both schools so thank you to all staff who volunteered to stand and wait in place for the afternoon! Next year the route will be reversed and Barrow Hills will be the finish line.

Very well done to all children who participated. Every child completed the course in under 30 minutes.