From the Head

teacher reading a newspaper

Dear Parents,

We have a cornucopia of events on the near horizon. Something new for us is a Christingle service on Monday, candles and all, for the children to enjoy. Do please check the calendar for the varied concerts and performances and we warmly invite you to come and join us.  Highlights include:

Christingle – 8.50am – Monday 27th November – Chapel

Autumn Concert – 3.30pm – Tuesday 28th November – Chapel

Year 8 Production of ‘Annie’ – 7.00pm – Friday 8th December – Hall

Pre-Prep Nativity – 9.30am – Tuesday 12th December – Chapel

Carol Service – 7.00pm – Wednesday 13th December – Chapel

New in assembly this week was a ‘roll of honour’ call from our Heads of Year to celebrate those children demonstrating exceptional behaviour and attitude. Our children need to feel safe and happy to learn well.  It is so important to cement this, to value and to celebrate success. We also shared a new, more dynamic, approach to celebrating House points. I will be talking to the School Council on how we extend the team spirit of our Houses more widely and deeply across the whole school.

An academic innovation this week was our inaugural run at the National Science Quiz Competition. A chance for a team of some children from Year 5 and 6 to aim high with subject knowledge and compete against other schools. Our first round is today and, if the children enjoy it, perhaps something to grow in the future.

Have a great weekend.

Mr John Towers