Dear Parents,
We were busy with building during the ½ term and so you may have noticed our ‘Into the Trees’ adventure playground taking shape as you come up the drive. The inclement weather added some extra time to the project, but we hope to complete next week and then see some joyful children at play.
On shaping up, thank you for the lovely pumpkins this week. You can see some of the really creative work attached to the Bulletin here. Creative excellence of another kind saw 16 of our children gain ‘distinctions’, and three gain ‘high merit’ in their LAMDA exams last week.
This term we are introducing a little extra with our academic reporting in the Middle and Upper Prep. In order to keep you better appraised of your child’s progress and attitude in school we are introducing a ‘Report Card’ each ½ term. This will provide an on-going snapshot against straightforward attainment and effort measures. There will still be a full written report at the end of the academic year as well as our usual parent evenings. We hope this extra frequency may help you appreciate where your child is with learning and their next steps. Watch for out for all this later next week!
Looking ahead, we are celebrating World Science Day next week and with a cross-curricular focus. We are already going deeper with our eco-challenge across the School, with the children and staff planning and in action on reducing our carbon footprint. We also have our Bonfire Night celebration next week, hopefully with kinder weather. On this, a shout out for help… particularly to parents who may be fairly new to the School. The Barrow Hills Community Committee (BHCC) would relish your support. Everything from the much loved ‘bacon butty’ stall to firework displays rely upon the kindness and commitment of active parent volunteers . At the moment we are quite short on help and if you are interested please let us know. Mrs Hubble on the front desk can pass your details onto the BHCC Chair, if you have interest.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Warm regards,
Mr John Towers