Dear Parents,
The half term has flown by, with some great learning and behaviour from the children. Some wonderful highlights this week to take us to the half term break: The U13 hockey team played brilliantly in the sunshine at Charterhouse, pushing through with great skill and camaraderie to a place in the national IAPS finals. Elsewhere, it was a delight to see how attentively and politely children from Kindy and upwards engaged with the visiting author, Zanna Davidson, to explore storytelling and writing. On engagement, I noticed all of Year 3 focusing with complete concentration on the apple press they got working, applying design ideas to harvest time. Likewise, when I took Year 6 this week for our mindfulness course, they all brought real conviction to tackle a challenging activity. These are children to be proud of and it’s been a delight to spend my first few weeks here as Head. What a great place to learn and to work.
On communications, you will see that the Bridewell Bulletin has been enhanced with news sections for Lower, Middle and now Upper Prep this week. I hope this is helpful should you wish to know more about your child and their year group’s endeavours. We have also started building the website out, with useful sections adding pages on our staffing. This work will continue and it would be useful to get your feedback so I will return after the holiday to gather your thoughts.
Finally, a note on politics. You may have read Mrs Wright’s comments last week in the KESW section of the Bridewell Bulletin. There has been recent media coverage on the Labour Party’s intention to add 20% VAT to the fees you pay and to remove business rate relief for independent schools. Understandably, such a prospect raises concern, and the senior team and governors have already been considering the possible impact. Next steps include a Q&A with parents as we embark on the process of working together on this matter. We have invited Julie Robinson, CEO of Independent Schools Council (ISC), to come and speak to staff and parents about the prospect of this change, the challenges ahead and how they might be met. We hope very much that many parents will be interested and able to attend. Please do save the date on Friday 3rd November at 5:30 pm. Please confirm that you would like to attend by clicking here.
I hope you enjoy a restful half term break and take care.
Warm regards,
Mr John Towers