Dear Parents,
The theme of Remembrance has run through the School this week and today, children from Kindy to Year 2 marked Remembrance Day with a minute’s silence in the Pre-Prep Garden at 11am. We gathered to reflect on the activities we have been doing this past week involving poppies as well as to remember all the soldiers who have fought to keep us safe, showing love for their country. Our youngest members of Barrow Hills were either wearing poppies, had made poppies or contributed to making poppy wreaths. We concluded by all watching the evocative animation from CBeebies following a young rabbit through the poppy fields which encapsulates the idea of remembrance appropriately for our youngest children.
Some of our children have been learning about Diwali this week, the festival of light. Year 2 used their RE lesson to explore the story of Rama and Sita, and their triumph over evil. Year 1 made their own Mehndi patterns on hand templates and next week, our Early Years classes have Diwali themed activities planned, including Reception who will be creating their own Diwali lamps out of clay.
A special congratulations to Holly (YR), Ottilie (1G), Henry (1R) and Charlie (Y2) this week who were awarded Work of the Week. From super listening ears to excellent maths skills, these boys and girls earned this recognition at Pre-Prep Assembly this week. Very well done.
Following on from last week’s Bulletin, a reminder to return your ‘Cut Your Carbon’ checklist which children brought home last week. Mrs Klein has received some already but asks that we all aim to hand them into class teachers before the end of the month.
Children who signed up to take part in the Micro Duke and the Silver and Gold Mini Duke should now all have their activity books at home. We look forward to seeing the effort put into achieving the various challenges undertaken later in the year.
Finally, there will be an Usbourne Book Fair on Tuesday 14th November in the Ballet Studio from 3pm. All are welcome.
Fingers crossed we have a dry evening of fireworks ahead!
Have a lovely weekend.
Lesley Barnett