News from Upper Prep

Once again it has been a very busy week in Upper Prep.  Year 8 children continue to prepare for their 13+ mock examinations next week, working hard in class and listening to last minute tricks and tips from their teachers. They have also had their mock French speaking and listening exams this week, just to get them in a studious frame of mind! Well done Year 8 – keep going! Your exam timetable and plenty of resources are in your Revision Google classroom.

Year 7 and 8 girls took part in a hockey tournament on Friday at Pennthorpe School and some of the Year 7 and 8 boys took part in a football tournament, also at Pennthorpe.

In between revising and playing sport, Year 8 continue to work hard in rehearsals for  ‘Annie’, which will be performed on 8th December. Several children from Years 7 and 8 also received LAMDA certificates in assembly, which was lovely to see.

Year 7 and 8 children participated in our Remembrance Service today. Year 8 laid crosses and poppies around the tree that was planted to commemorate and celebrate the life of Ronnie Hall. This made this poignant ceremony all the more moving for Year 8 as Ronnie was a well loved member of our School who is very much missed.  We then all went into the chapel for a beautiful Remembrance Service.  It was wonderful to hear so many Upper Prep children singing so beautifully in the choir and our Heads of School, Cleo, Charlie, Edith and Jacob, read with great confidence and expression. All the Upper Prep teachers were so proud of the sensible and mature way the children listened and participated in the service. 

Next week will be an even busier one as Year 8 tackle three days of mock examinations and the girls go to the IAPS Hockey National Finals on Friday. Good luck everyone! Year 7, I know I can rely upon you to take on the wet break duties and look after the younger children to give Year 8 a rest!

Finally, please don’t forget to bring your ‘Cut your Carbon Checklist’ back next week.

Best wishes,
Luisa Mason