Life has been extremely busy in Upper Prep this week. On Monday, some of our senior girls competed in the IAPS hockey tournament at Charterhouse – and I am very proud and delighted that they are through to the next stage of the competition – the NATIONALS!
Max, our Library captain, told the school about our Sponsored Reading Challenge during assembly. This will take place in half term and I hope many of you will take part. It is not only fun – but educational too as regular reading will develop your vocabulary, comprehension skills and reading pace and accuracy. In addition, it benefits our school library.
Years 7 and 8 enjoyed a Study Skills Workshop on Monday afternoon. This involved a Mindfulness session to tackle exam stress and anxiety delivered by Mr Towers, an extremely informative presentation on revision techniques and tips led by Mrs Goedkoop and a talk from Sil Brangold, a nutritionist, about healthy eating and ‘brain food’. I know all the children will find these sessions really useful as they prepare for exams and tests.
Some of Year 8 were tour guides at our Open Day on Wednesday and our visitors were extremely impressed with their good manners, knowledge and the passion they showed when talking about their school.
Our Pre-Prep Captains continue to support the children in Pre-Prep with games and activities and our Year 7 girls have really enjoyed helping the children in the Thomas More with their Friday lunchtime Newspaper Club. All of Year 8 heard Years 5 and 6 read on Thursday afternoon and liked sharing books and stories with the younger children. The Yr 7 War Hammer Club continues to be a very popular lunch time activity! It has been great to see our Upper Prep students really taking the lead during Bridewell Choir rehearsals too.
Year 7 took part in Bridewell Admissions Day at King Edward’s Witley, when they were welcomed as part of the Bridewell foundation through a chapel service and a special ceremony. They were accompanied by our Year 8 Heads of School, Charlie, Cleo and Edith, as well as Mr Towers and Mr Smith, and all who attended really enjoyed this wonderful occasion.
Well done to all of Upper Prep for working so hard this half term. It has certainly been packed full of exciting opportunities and experiences as well as some challenging lessons. Next term looks just as busy with the IAPS Nationals, an Upper Prep science trip to London on November 27th – and of course our Year 8 production of ‘Annie’ on December 8th.
Happy half term everyone!
Luisa Mason
Head of Upper Prep