News from Upper Prep

students practicing dance moves

There has been a lot going on in Upper Prep this week –  and much of it has been drama related!  Drama is vital for developing self confidence, cooperation and team spirit and it has been wonderful to see Year 8 working together, both on stage and back stage, with such energy and enthusiasm.

It was the Year 8 dress rehearsal for ‘Annie’ on Tuesday and the school sat spellbound for over an hour as the Year 8 children acted, danced and sang their way through numbers like ‘It’s a Hard Knock Life’, ‘You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile’  and ‘Tomorrow’.  Mr Richardson, Mr Frazer and I were very pleased with their performance – and we know it will be even better tonight!

The Year 7 children who signed up for activities at KESW on Friday afternoons have continued to enjoy these. The boys have played hockey and the girls have played netball with Year 7 pupils from KESW and we look forward to this continuing into the new year.  Lunchtime War Hammer Club continues to be popular, and the Year 7 girls have been a big support at the Junior Prep Friday Newspaper Club!

It was a pleasure to meet with so many Year 8 children and their parents this week as the Upper Prep teachers held Parent Consultation meetings.  Children received some useful feedback on their recent exams as well as some targets to help them move forward.

All of Year 7 and 8 have been given a reading bingo sheet by our  Librarian, Mrs Dudley, to complete over the holidays. Reading improves your comprehension skills, your vocabulary and develops your imagination so please try and find a few moments each day to read, Years 7 and 8!

Next week is extremely busy – with panto trips, carol services, a Christmas jumper day and Christmas lunch – I look forward to telling you all about it!

Mrs Mason