News from Upper Prep

stdent football team

It has been lovely to see all the children back in school this week, and to hear about all the exciting things they have done during the Christmas holidays.  Our first week back has been filled with activities, sports and exciting opportunities.

Some of the Year 7 children have written about the highlights of their first week back.

On Monday, we had our first lesson with the new Maths teacher – Mr Pretorious.  We all enjoyed meeting him.

On Wednesday, the last rugby match of the year got cancelled due to frozen pitches so we ended up doing a 3km run to KESW and back instead which helped to blow the cobwebs out.

This week in the girls matches, the senior’s first team played an excellent game of netball against KESW. Despite being freezing cold, we explored new and different positions and still came back victorious.

It was fun to go to the library in English, because we were given the chance to express our feelings about books using a survey. I am also excited about the Warhammer club starting again because most of us got Warhammer figures for Christmas.

Year 7 and 8 joined together on Thursday for the Business Enterprise ‘Tenner’ Challenge.  Mr Hinds explained the rules and then the children chose their groups and roles, and started thinking about ideas. It was super to see them all collaborating so well and I am sure this year’s Market Day will be as successful as last year’s!

The Peer Mentors have continued to do great work this week, offering valuable support to the younger children throughout the school. They can be identified by their pink lanyards and are always ready to offer a listening ear.

There was an exciting dramatic opportunity for some of our boys in Years 6, 7 and 8.  On Thursday evening, I took Elliot, Dylan, Felix (Year 6), George, Josh, (Year 7) and Reuben T, Isaac and Sammy (Year 8) up to KESW to audition for a casting director who is looking for boys to star in a new Netflix adaptation of William Golding’s ‘Lord of the Flies’. All the boys enjoyed the experience. Fingers crossed!

Finally, we ended the week with a fantastic assembly from Year 7 who told us all about the history behind New Year’s Resolutions.  They also shared some statistics about making resolutions and how many people give them up shortly after making them!  Their message to us was to keep trying – even if we fail at our resolution. We can reset at any time and give it another go!

With that in mind, I am off to download the ‘Couch to 5k’ app that I have been finding excuses not to do…!

Mrs Mason