Dear Parents,
A crisp week and highlights for me included the depth Year 4 found with their World War Two study, and the intuitive grasp of poetry and metaphor displayed by Year 5 when I took them for English. A nod to the Year 3 rugby fixtures on Thursday, with plucky effort in proper winter conditions. New for us, this week, was our ‘Reception and Beyond’ seminar for parents. It complements the approach of our ‘Life at the Top in Years 7 and 8’ now anchored in the autumn term. We hope these ‘longer range’ communications prove valuable in helping parents consider the journey ahead.
Looking ahead, I am keen to start collecting parent views in a comprehensive, regular, inclusive and helpful manner. Watch this space for our ‘Pulse Survey’ coming soon, a chance for us to baseline and then build upon a set of really important indicators of success. I would also like to use this device to gain your opinions on immediate or particular matters. For example, simple questions like: ‘do we need a Barrow Hills all season coat with removable fleece liner?’ Likewise, a good chance to gain views on more nuanced areas, for example on our curriculum or communications.
For those that may have missed it last week, please let me remind you of two parent events on the horizon:
‘Positive Behaviour Management’ – Tuesday 6th February – 8.45am – 10.00am
‘Technology, AI and Safety On-line’ – Thursday 21st March – online, timing tbc
Thanks to all parents encouraging children in the Prep House Crest Competition. The pressure of adjudicating on the host of remarkably well considered entries leads me to convene a judging panel! I will return with winners anon!
Best wishes,
John Towers