Dear Pre-Prep Parents,
The House system has been the topic of discussion amongst many of our youngest children at Barrow Hills this week as they now know which House they belong to and have begun to earn their first House points. “I’ve earned two House points today for my House” was overheard from one child, which highlighted the overriding sense of belonging and teamwork which comes from being part of a school’s House system. For the first time, our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children added their House point tokens to the coloured containers of their House on their way into Chapel for this morning’s assembly, and they waited in great anticipation to hear from the Year 8 House Captains how each house had performed this week.
Congratulations go to Zac and Theo in Year 2 who were awarded their bronze certificates in assembly this morning. A very well done also to Sophie (Rec), Henry (1R), Rafferty (1G) and Alex (2G) who each received a ‘Work of the Week’ certificate from our Head Boy and Head Girl this morning.
You will have received information about our upcoming Grandparents’ Afternoon in this week’s Tuesday Comms. This will take place on Friday 9th February 2:15 – 3:15pm. This always proves to be a really lovely afternoon, and I hope as many of the children’s grandparents can make it. Children with grandparents who are unable to attend are welcome to bring other special relatives, godparents or friends. A reminder to complete the Google Form in Tuesday’s email (16th January) if you are able to attend.
I hope you all have a great, slightly warmer, weekend.