News from Upper Prep

students of various ages

It has been yet another busy week in Upper Prep.  The Year 8 children have been working especially hard preparing for their mock 13+ examinations next week and I have been impressed with their focus and diligence. Our House captains, Tess and Monty (Murtough), Ottilie and Timo (McCormack) and Genevieve and Harry (Kean) visited Pre-Prep this week to introduce themselves to the new members of their houses and to tell them all about their houses.  They talked about the house competitions and ways to win credits, as well as answering some interesting questions from the Pre-Prep children!

It hasn’t been all work, work, work, however. As always, we endeavour to find a balance between work and play and all of Upper Prep enjoyed learning some Scottish dances on Tuesday afternoon to celebrate Burns Night.  Friday morning saw Year 8 taking part in some bird watching to see the variety  of birds in our school grounds and the Bridewell Choir continued to enjoy learning a range of music.

The Year 8 girls: Izzy A, Izzy R, Amelie, Cleo, Clara, Edith, Eloise, Ottilie and Emilia from Year 7 took part in the Bryanston netball tournament where they won the plate! Well done girls. I know Mrs Burnett and Mrs Clark were so proud of the way you worked together as a team to support and help each other.

Year 7 have been enjoying reading The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas in their English lessons. We are nearing the end of this thought provoking novel and I have been so pleased with the mature way the children have discussed the issues in this book.

Year 8, I wish you well with your revision this weekend. Look in your Year 8 Revision Google classroom for some last minute tips – and don’t forget to have a break from your studies too by enjoying some fresh air or some time with your family.  Remember to bring in your reading book and a clear pencil case with all your stationery in on Monday.