Dear Parents,
From our Scottish jigs last week to ballet dancing. A special mention to Lexi, Annabel and Amelie for their recent success at county level. More widely, we note four distinctions, two high merits and two merits from our children in their recent dance exams. In public speaking, a nod to first forays in Trivium Club from Emily (on Tadpoles), Bertie (on the RAF), Sarah (on Nutella) and George (on The Battle of Britain). Across sports, we awarded a scoop of medals in Assembly and you can celebrate that and more in this week’s Bulletin.
Year 8, in particular, are to be commended for their solid work across their mock exams. Well done Year 8.
Thank you also to Year 5 for such an elegant start to Assembly with thoughts on Chinese/Lunar New Year.
During the week, we focused our attention on National Storytelling Week with events and readings for all the children as we progressed. Please enjoy the many reading-based photos in this week’s Bulletin!
From Monday, we will mark National Children’s Mental Health week. Next Friday 9th February, we are inviting all Prep children to enjoy a non-uniform day to finish the half term with a fundraiser for the mental health charity, Place2Be. The charity provides support in schools and has been helping children and young people for almost 30 years. The children adding a touch of pink to their attire for the occasion is encouraged but not a requirement.
For Pre-Prep children, we ask that they wear their usual uniform as we have the much anticipated Grandparent’s Day that afternoon. But rest assured, they will also be given a pink flourish, provided by the school.
A reminder that we have a parent seminar next Tuesday at 8.45am on ‘Positive Behaviour Management’ for children. I will be sharing ‘ten top tips’ for parents which are pertinent from Nursery to Year 8. Please find details and the sign up link in this week’s Bulletin.
We were delighted that Muddy Stilettos Magazine came to visit last week and consequently published a very generous and positive review of Barrow Hills. For your interest, here is the link. Most of our new children come through your ‘word of mouth’, so do please celebrate and share:
Enjoy the weekend.
Mr John Towers