News from Pre-Prep

students wearing Egyptian masks

It is hard to believe we are at the end of another term this academic year but judging by how busy the past few weeks have been, it’s probably because it has simply flown by!

We finished last Friday by taking part in the school’s Big Clean Up! Well done to everyone from Kindy to Year 2 for making a real effort around the school grounds. Some of our pupils arrived with gardening gloves and even litter pickers! We found some unusual objects, much of which we could recycle. We mainly gathered a lot of garden waste which we were able to contribute to the compost pile. This was a whole school initiative and we were keen to do our bit to support our school’s Eco Team!

On Friday afternoon, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 had quite an unforgettable visit from David Njapit, a 35 year old Masai man from the Masai Mara in Kenya. He grew up in a basic, rural community helping tend his family’s livestock. He was lucky to have been given an education and is fluent in three languages; English, Kiswahili and Maa. He has always had a passion for wildlife and conservation and as such re-trained for one year to be a Kenyan Safari guide. Since 2005 David has worked as a guide in a high end safari camp. He has previously visited the UK, USA and Hong Kong and is one of the best travelled of his community as many have not even left the Masai Mara. The children were fascinated to hear how he would walk two hours to school and enjoyed asking questions, having a go at some Masai dancing and learnt how to escape a hippopotamus!

This week Pre-Prep invited our parents in for a Spring Showcase. The Larks Choir began the morning with a catchy and uplifting performance of ‘Spring Thing’ which they have been busy practising in their weekly choir rehearsals. Pupils from Key Stage One then shared some of their recent Humanities work. Year 2 read examples of their newspaper articles and diary entries then read a poem based on the Great Fire of London. Meanwhile, Year 1 showed us some of the portraits they had made based on their own profiles, and the crowns they had created like Queen Victoria’s as part of the lessons learning about the Victorians. They then treated us to some Victorian nursery rhymes and a spring themed performance from both year groups. Reception Class shared a heartwarming Mother’s Day contribution, telling us all just why their mums are special as they delivered a beautiful poem to us all. Kindy arrived in Chapel in their own handmade bunny headdresses and sang ‘Hop Hop Hop’ to us, with actions too! Our Pre-Prep Showcase wouldn’t have been complete without our wonderful Nursery children who joined us on stage for ‘Spring Chicken’ which left the audience with a spring in their step as they then headed outside for the Easter Parade. There was a sea of colour outside the terrace as all our pupils showed parents their Easter bonnet designs and creations and we just managed a final encore of ‘Spring Chicken’ before we felt the first few spots of rain!

Thursday was Odd Sock Day in Pre-Prep to raise awareness for this year’s Lenten Appeal, Cancer Research UK. There was quite an array of colour and style throughout the school as we recognised this fundraising appeal. It still isn’t too late to donate by visiting the JustGiving page which Mr Crisell has set up.

Our final assembly of the spring term was bursting at the seams with awards for some of our Pre-Prep children. Congratulations to Holly (Rec), Orson (Y1G), George B (Y1R) and Zac (Y2) who received a certificate for Work of the Week this morning. Well done to those who were presented with Silver Awards for their house points achieved this term. Orson, Rafferty, Ethan, Hannah , Leo, James, Henry, Lenny and Ben from Year 1, and Charlie, Arlo, Vidur,

Zac and Ishir from Year 2 all received their Silver Awards. IT certificates for passing their first module in Year 1 IT were presented to Beau, Walter, Otis, Ethan, Ben and Ottilie. Meanwhile, certificates for advanced use of loops in code were awarded to Alex and Charlie in Year 2 and to Theo and Vidur for using code to build mini games. Henry (Y1R) was also awarded his Silver Mini Duke Award for the challenges he had successfully completed and written about at home, well done. As it is the end of term, staff were able to nominate pupils for the Pre-Prep Playtime Award, and this half term award was presented to Arthur in Reception this morning. Arthur has good ideas and gets everyone else involved – well done Arthur.

The Easter holidays couldn’t commence without the annual Bunny Run this morning! Despite the absence of spring sunshine, spirits weren’t dampened as Pre-Prep children and their parents joined in the run from the sports field up towards the Headmaster’s Lawn. With chocolate in hand, Pre-Prep did fantastically well and left for their Easter break feeling proud of their efforts.

Before the summer term is upon us, I hope you all enjoy a wonderful Easter break with your families and we look forward to seeing you all on the 16th April. Welcome Letters will be sent out at the beginning of term so do look out for key dates and housekeeping for the new term ahead.

Best wishes,

Mrs L. Barnett