Message from the Head
Dear Parents,
It has been a strong week, with this term’s co-curricular clubs proving increasingly popular. Given the demand, we will aim to get ahead with timelines for publishing future term offerings where possible. These additions require scheduling another 30 hours of staff time around the week; while this takes some time and care it is proving very worthwhile.
It was great to see so many parents attending the Pre-Prep Maths Workshop this week, with our staff sharing insights and ideas. As a reminder, our upcoming webinar for parents on keeping children safe online is scheduled for 27th January.
Some of the highlights for pupils this week included Year 4’s trip to Winchester for a Science study excursion and our four school swimming gala. They have much to look forward to in the near future, including the Charterhouse VX Robotics Competition and several exciting fixtures, such as the IAPS Boys Hockey Tournament and the Charterhouse Gala.
Finally, the school coats, which many parents requested in last year’s questionnaires, are now in stock. With more cold weather expected, this might be a timely addition. Please check Tuesday’s Portal messages for the link.
With best wishes for your family weekends ahead,
Mr Towers, Head
News from Upper Prep
It has been a warmer week at Barrow Hills, and the children have thoroughly enjoyed playing on the astro again now that it’s no longer frozen! It’s been fantastic to see all of Year 7 and Year 8 enjoying football with their friends.
Year 8 have particularly enjoyed their drama lessons this week, experimenting with Trestle masks and creating some very entertaining improvised performances. Meanwhile, Year 7 explored how authors craft narrative hooks to capture readers’ attention and had great fun writing their own exciting opening lines.
Well done to everyone who participated in the swimming gala on Tuesday. It was wonderful to hear that Emilia, James, Mateo, Philip, and Josh represented Barrow Hills against Aldro, Amesbury, and Pennthorpe at the King Edward’s pool. They set an excellent example for our younger swimmers—congratulations to them all!
Our Co-Curricular Clubs have launched this week, and it’s been great to see so many Year 7 and Year 8 children signing up for a variety of lunchtime and after-school activities.
This week, the Upper Prep teachers have focused on rewarding positive behavior. We have high expectations for our Year 7 and Year 8 pupils, encouraging them to set a strong example by moving quietly around the school and showing respect to their teachers and peers during lessons. We’ve also reminded them about the importance of being prepared for learning, including having a well-stocked pencil case and ensuring their Chromebooks are charged.
Finally, during form time this week, we completed the PASS (Pupil Attitudes to Self and School) survey. This helps us understand how the children feel about their learning and their school experience, enabling us to better support them both pastorally and academically.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Mason, Head of Upper Prep
News from Prep
Dear Parents,
What a busy and exciting week it has been as we settle into the rhythm of the Spring Term! Barrow Hills has been buzzing with activity, and it’s been wonderful to see the children embracing their learning and extracurricular opportunities with such enthusiasm.
This week, clubs are back in full swing, and it’s been fantastic to see so many children exploring their interests and trying new activities. Whether it’s sports, music, drama, or creative arts, the variety of clubs on offer provides something for everyone. It’s always inspiring to watch the children broaden their horizons and enjoy time with their peers in a fun, engaging environment.
Year 6 has been filled with excitement this week as they prepared for and received their roles for the upcoming play. I was fortunate enough to be there during the announcement of the parts, and what a special moment it was! The atmosphere was filled with excitement, pride, and camaraderie as the children celebrated together. Congratulations to all of Year 6 for their hard work and enthusiasm throughout the audition process—we are already looking forward to seeing their talents shine on stage later this term.
On Friday, Year 4 had a fantastic trip to the Winchester Science Museum. The children had the opportunity to explore a range of interactive exhibits and learn about everything from space exploration to cutting-edge technology. The highlight for many was the chance to engage in hands-on experiments and activities that sparked their curiosity and brought science to life. It was truly an enriching experience, and the children returned full of new knowledge and excitement.
Throughout the week, I’ve also taken the opportunity to visit some of the classrooms to see what everyone has been up to. From creative writing projects in English to fascinating history lessons and hands-on experiments in science, it has been wonderful to see the children so engaged in their learning. I was particularly impressed by the lively discussions, thoughtful questions, and collaborative work happening across the school. It’s clear that the children are embracing their studies with focus and enthusiasm, and that the classrooms are vibrant hubs of activity and creativity.
As always, thank you for your continued support. It’s been a joy to witness the energy and positivity radiating throughout the school this week, and I’m excited to see all the wonderful things the rest of the term will bring. Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable weekend!
Warm regards,
Miss Tyrell, Head of Prep
News from Pre-Prep
Our first full week of the calendar year has been a busy one! On Thursday morning, we welcomed Pre-Prep parents to our first Maths Workshop. We had the opportunity to explain how Maths is planned, delivered, and supported here at Barrow Hills, with our overarching aim of laying secure foundations so that our children become confident mathematicians who can transfer their knowledge and skills to everyday life. We also suggested ways parents can help their children at home.
Mrs. Rogers gave an insightful overview of how Maths is approached across Early Years, while I explained how we build upon this in Year 1 and Year 2. I discussed how we utilize our outdoor space, IT, and classroom-based activities, as well as the various manipulatives we use to support the children across different areas of the curriculum. Mr. Pretorius, Head of Maths, highlighted the importance of this phase in the children’s learning journey and how it prepares them for Year 3 and beyond.
Continuing the mathematical theme, next Tuesday is Reception’s ‘Number Fun Day,’ which promises to be filled with exciting practical maths activities and games. The children will use and apply their skills in number, shape, and measure while tackling engaging problem-solving challenges. Reception children are also encouraged to dress up as a number, in any form they wish!
Congratulations to Sophie (Reception), Sophie (Year 1), and Ethan (Year 2), who each received a certificate in assembly this morning for Work of the Week. Well done!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs. Barnett
Bacon Butties brought a little extra joy to the morning once again, raising a wonderful £177.20. Thank you to our amazing community for your kindness and support!
School Notices
All parents and alumni working in Law, or with an interest in legal careers, are warmly invited to join us for an evening of drinks and nibbles to connect and expand your professional network.
The event will take place at the Old Bank of England on Fleet Street, London, on Thursday, 27th February 2025, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm.
To register, please click here.
Message from the School Chaplain, Reverend James Radcliffe
Happy New Year! For those who would like to gather, we are bringing together a Bridewell Parents & Guardians’ prayer meeting on Thursday 6th February from 8:15 – 8:55am. Refreshments will be available at the start (or do use the delicious Picadilly café beforehand to get your preferred drink!). Please meet at the new KES Reception between 8:00-8:10 to be signed in and the Chaplain will meet you there. If you intend to come, please let him know (48 hours beforehand) so catering requirements can be organized. Parents and guardians may alternatively join via ZOOM at the same time as the in-person meeting is taking place. The ZOOM details are below. If you have any further questions, please do get in touch:
Meeting ID: 871 2652 2207
Passcode: 2NdtDT