Barrow Hills Bulletin, Friday 24 January 2025Spring Term, Week 3

statue of a lion

Message from the Head

Dear Parents,

What a week it has been for us on the sports front! Our teams triumphed to win both the Bryanston and Highfield tournaments, competing brilliantly in hockey and netball against some much larger schools. How did our girls achieve such outstanding results? Quite simply, it comes down to their commitment to high standards, their dedication to learning how to be part of a team, enthusiasm, and the support of a truly committed staff.

Thanks to the ongoing support of the Barrow Hills Community Committee (BHCC)—and events such as the much-loved bacon butty stall on Fridays raising vital funds—we are exploring the possibility of acquiring a portable floodlight system to illuminate the astro. This would not only make a difference on those dark winter afternoons but also allow us to extend our after-school co-curricular sports offering through the darker months. I’ll share updates as soon as we have more news. In the meantime, we’re working to strengthen the BHCC into a fully-fledged parents’ and friends’ association, aiming to increase volunteer participation and enhance its’ fundraising capabilities.

In academics, it has been a joy to welcome enriching visitors to the school. A recent highlight was the ‘History Mystery Man’, who delivered an engaging and interactive experience for Year 4. Events like these bring learning to life and make a lasting impact.

Finally, a reminder about the online safety seminar on Monday. With global geopolitics likely to shift further away from big-tech accountability, it is more important than ever to protect children from the risks that smartphones and social media platforms can pose to their well-being—or, worse, their safety. It’s a sobering message, so let’s work together to help keep our children happy and safe.

Here are the details:

Join Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 813 6189 6398
Passcode: 778081

Thank you as always for your support. Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Mr Towers, Head


News from Upper Prep 

As usual, it has been a busy week  in Upper Prep and it has been great to see the children enjoying all  the curriculum has to offer.

In their drama lessons, Year 8 children have continued to work  with the trestle masks, creating some very funny improvisations.  Their group dance audition was especially amusing and it was super to see the children really embracing their characters.  Mime and gesture become very important when you can’t speak  and Mr O’Kelly and I were so pleased with the way the children performed their scenes.  The Year 7 children enjoyed watching two very different videos  of the Prologue to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, and then creating their own versions in groups. I was very impressed with the way they got to grips with the challenges of Shakespeare’s prose!

In preparation for their exams, Upper Prep have been looking at different revision techniques in form time and then applying these by making flash cards, notes, and mind maps.  The skills you learn now will help you all the way through your school journey so keep revising skills and lesson content little and often.

Several of our teams played hockey at Hoe Bridge School this week and I was so pleased to hear how  well the Barrow Hills children worked together in some tough matches.  Well done everyone! Here is what some of the children had to say:  

It was good fun!  They were a  difficult team to beat but we played our best.”

“ We kept encouraging each other all the way through the match.”

“Even though we didn’t win this time, I felt as if we played together really well as a team – and there is always next week!” 

We had our first wet break time of 2025 on Thursday and some of the Year 7 and Year 8 children looked after the younger children, while others spent some time in our Common Room.  Some of the Year 7 children enjoyed playing some traditional card games and Mateo showed me a brilliant card trick which left me – and Year 7 – mystified!

Finally, don’t forget our Internet Safety Webinar on Monday January 27th at 6.30pm.   During the session, Jonathan Taylor will provide practical, up-to-date, and relevant advice on online safety and social media. The content is designed to address the challenges we face today in protecting our children, and supporting parents and educators in navigating the complexities of the digital world. The webinar will include a question and answer session for you.  Keeping our children safe online is a growing concern and it is well  worth joining the webinar to hear Jonathan speak, if you can.

Mrs Mason, Head of Upper Prep


News from Prep 

Dear Parents,

What an eventful and dynamic week it has been! The school has been bustling with activity, and it’s been fantastic to see the children fully engaged in everything from rehearsals to celebrations and enriching learning experiences.

Rehearsals for Matilda are now in full swing, and the energy and enthusiasm from Year 6 has been incredible. It’s such a joy to watch the children bring the story to life as they work on their lines, songs, and choreography.

This week has also been packed with plenty of team sports and tournaments. Sport continues to be a key part of our school life, and we are so proud of the effort and determination our children bring to every game.

Year 4 enjoyed an exciting visit from the History Mystery Man, who brought history to life in the most engaging way. With artefacts, stories, and activities, the children were transported back in time to explore the rich history they’ve been studying in class, with lots of hands on engagement – it was a thoroughly enjoyable, educational experience.

On Thursday, we celebrated Burns Night with a special assembly led by Year 6 and Mr P. It was a wonderful opportunity to honour the life and works of Robert Burns and learn more about Scottish heritage. A heartfelt thank you to our Scottish teachers, whose reflections, stories, and contributions made the assembly even more memorable. The children were captivated, and it was a lovely moment of cultural appreciation for us all.

As always, it’s a pleasure to see the children embracing all the opportunities presented to them, from creative performances to sporting achievements and everything in between. Thank you for your continued support, and I hope you have a restful weekend as we look forward to another exciting week ahead.

Warm regards,

Miss Tyrell, Head of Prep


News from Pre-Prep

We have been delighted to see the internal Spring Term clubs offering in Pre-Prep over the last two weeks. Drama Club and Construction Club have continued this term, Handwriting club has started and we have introduced a new club, Mindfulness Club. Each of these have been well attended, and it’s been great to have the momentum to get them off the ground.

Reception class celebrated numbers on Tuesday, dressing up as various numbers or wearing numbers and engaging in a range of number related activities. Pre-Prep Assembly shared this theme by reminding the children that numbers are all around us, all day every day! We read a story about a little girl who needed reminding of where we see numbers everywhere we look, both indoors and out. 

Congratulations to Indy (Rec), Teddy (Year 1) and Matilda (Year 2) who each received a Work of the Week certificate in assembly this morning. It is wonderful to hear there’s been such fantastic reading in Year 1 and 2, with excellent comprehension work, answering in full sentences too. Indy was able to show a number of different ways to make 7 using Numicon on Tuesday when Reception celebrated Number Day. Well done everyone. 

This Thursday, 30th January, is our Phonics Workshop “Beyond the Introduction”. This will be held in the Library at 8:45am and will be an opportunity to hear how we continue to teach and support phonics in Pre-Prep after it is introduced at the start of Reception – refreshments will be available beforehand. 

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Barnett, Head of Pre-Prep 



Bacon Butties brought a little extra joy to the morning once again, raising a wonderful £193.00. Thank you to our amazing team for braving the elements, and our community for your kindness and support!

School Notices

All parents and alumni working in Law, or with an interest in legal careers, are warmly invited to join us for an evening of drinks and nibbles to connect and expand your professional network.

The event will take place at the Old Bank of England on Fleet Street, London, on Thursday, 27th February 2025, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm.

To register, please click here.