Last week I decided to teach everyone in Pre-Prep, the basic knot, ‘right over left…’.

I was so impressed with the focus and determination shown, particularly those who sometimes think “I can’t do it!” and were so proud of themselves when they achieved the knot. I hope they remember that sense of achievement next time they are faced with something tricky!

Some children went on to tie woodland objects to the string and created autumnal mobiles to leave as decorations around the fire circle area.

Year 1 took part in a spot of ‘forest bathing’ during their lesson. The children observed how the wind blew the very tops of the trees first and watched how the movement moved slowly through to the lower leaves. When they closed their eyes, some children noticed that the wind seemed louder than when their eyes were open. They were able to surmise that it was probably because they were only using one of their senses. A very astute observation, beautifully communicated.

Once Year 2 had mastered their basic knot, they were off making bows and arrows, fishing poles and grappling hooks!

I’ll finish this week’s write up with another quote, one I learnt during my Forest School training:

“If you can’t tie good knots, tie plenty of them.”

Gary Jobson (world class sailor and America’s Cup winner)

Mrs Wilson