Parent Consultations

Parents’ evenings / consultations play an important role and are held close to half term in the autumn and spring terms for the Prep Department. They provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss their child’s progress and areas for improvement or furtherance are highlighted. Pre-Prep consultations take place each term.

In the Autumn term the Prep department have pastoral consultations with the Form Tutor that are for 10-minutes and in the Spring term full consultations, which include subject specific staff, that are 5-minute meetings. Alongside these Maths and English consultations are held for Year 6 11+ children in the autumn term.

  1. Dates and timings are published in advance in the Calendar
  2. There are no appointments or bells but parents are asked to keep conversations to a maximum of 10 minutes for the pastoral meetings and to 5 minutes for the full consultations
  3. Pupils are invited to attend once they reach Year 6
  4. Parent Consultations are booked via our secure Portal; a notice / email will be sent out to inform you that bookings are live