Please see below for some final week of term reminders. Please check the your portal and the calendar for further details.
Monday 12th December
ABRSM (music) exams at King Edward’s Witley
Tuesday 13th December
Year 3 to 8 – Pantomime in Woking
Pre-Prep – Christingle making
Wednesday 14th December
All children and staff – Christmas lunch and Christmas jumpers. Children may wear a Christmas jumper and other festive accessories, blazers are required for the Carol Services.
Reception – Year 2 – 8.35-9.15am end of term assembly
Pre-Prep Christmas Forest School activities and Father Christmas in his grotto
Year 2, Prep Department and Staff – 2.30pm – Carol Service
Kindy – Goldilocks and the Three Bears panto
Carol Service to parents and children (attendance is not compulsory apart from designated readers and members of the Bridewell Choir) 6.15pm Pe-Carol Service refreshments, 7.00pm Carol Service
Thursday 15th December
Children to take everything home – please supply an extra bag!
Reception – Year 2 ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ panto 9.30 – 1.30pm. Don’t forget a rucksack to carry lunch and a water bottle.
Friday 16th December
Term Ends
Pre-Prep term ends at 11.45am, please pick up younger siblings first before Prep at 12.00.
Prep term ends at midday