Weekly Message – News from Middle Prep

Head of Middle-Prep

Welcome to the first Middle-Prep update.

What a busy week we have had, full of learning and opportunities. Year 3 have enjoyed starting a new unit on poetry and have begun writing their entries for the House Poetry Competition. Year 4 have been exploring pitch in Science using musical instruments to investigate high and low sounds. In addition, during History, they have been researching what life was like in Ancient Greece, with the children presenting their research through hot seating.

At the upper end of Middle-Prep, Year 6 are busy working hard with 11+ preparations in full swing.  A change in the homework schedule has enabled the children to focus on Maths, English and verbal and non-verbal reasoning.  Year 5 have been settling into new routines and it has been a pleasure to see how well they have transitioned from Year 4 into Year 5.  In honour of the Great British Bake off, delicious smells came wafting out of the food tech kitchen with the children being tasked to follow a recipe with little instructions.  I can firmly say that they were all successful!

In PSHE, our focus this half-term is ‘Being Me in my World’.  This week has allowed the children the opportunity to discuss rules, rights and responsibilities, how behaviours affect others and democracy.

We were also fortunate this week to have Chartwells run health and nutrition workshops and every child in Middle-Prep enjoyed the opportunity of making some energy balls. Judging by their reactions, I think they went down very well.

We rounded off the week with a lovely assembly, courtesy of 3G.  You wouldn’t have known that it was their first assembly in front of an older audience, given their confidence and projection of voice.

Stars of the week were awarded to Rollo (3G), Clemmie (3R), Emily (4G) and Hannah (4R).

Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Tyrrell

Head of Middle-Prep
Deputy DSL

PS: For the Year 4 trip to Winchester Science Museum on Monday 9th October, please can you ensure your child comes into school in uniform, with a named water bottle and small backpack. If they would like to bring between £3 and £5 to spend in the shop, please could that be in a named wallet.