Category: News from Middle Prep

News from Middle Prep

22nd March 2024

Dear Parents, As we approach the end of term and the beginning of the Easter holidays, I am excited to share with you the highlights of this week’s activities in…

News from Middle Prep

2nd February 2024

Another week of learning and growing here in Middle Prep. The children have had plenty of opportunities to read during National Storytelling Week. Year 3 had a visit from Mr…

News from Middle Prep

12th January 2024

Welcome back, everyone.  I hope you all had lovely holidays with some good festive cheer. The children have come back to school with wonderful memories of their Christmas endeavours, and…

News from Middle Prep

15th December 2023

As we end this term, it is always a pleasure to see the joy in the children’s faces as they look forward to Father Christmas blessing them with many memories…

News from Middle Prep

8th December 2023

Well, as predicted, Buttons our elf has proven to be rather troublesome! We have seen him put googly eyes on the childrens fruit, climb down a rope ladder from our…

News from Middle Prep

1st December 2023

We are stepping ever closer to the end of term, and I can’t believe that it is already the 1st of December.  One thing is certain, it is starting to…

News from Middle Prep

24th November 2023

In history, Year 3’s have been thinking about how the Celts and the Romans might have seen Boudicca and how their points of view might have been drastically different.  They…

News from Middle Prep

24th November 2023

We started off our week by waving goodbye to Year 3 as they headed off to Butser Ancient Farm.  The weather was certainly kind to them, and the children had…

News from Middle Prep

24th November 2023

Well, can you believe we are at half-term already! What a jammed packed week we have all had. Year 4 started off the week with a super science trip to…

News from Middle Prep

24th November 2023

Welcome back to what is going to be a busy half term, culminating in plenty of festive delights. It is very encouraging that the children have returned focussed and motivated…

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