News from Middle Prep

24th November 2023

Welcome back to what is going to be a busy half term, culminating in plenty of festive delights. It is very encouraging that the children have returned focussed and motivated to learn! There has been a great buzz around school, and it has been lovely talking to the children and listening to all their holiday adventures. 

Before we departed for our holidays, School Council headed up our annual Harvest donations. The Chapel was adorned with plentiful food donations and, as a school, we should be proud that we have made a small difference to the Godalming community. 

On Monday, Year 4 children auditioned for their parts in their upcoming play ‘Hoodwinked’.  The children took on different character roles with confidence, and excitement is building as rehearsals begin.  

On Tuesday a selection of Year 5 and 6 children travelled to Cranleigh for a Vex Robotics Event to compete in a range of robotics challenges. The children needed to design, code and problem solve their robots in order to succeed. Both year groups did brilliantly in what was a long day of coding and the Year 6 team came away with the Amaze Award which was for exceptional programming and a determination to succeed in the hardest of challenges.  Well done to all who participated, and for the staff who have trained the children well to face such challenges.

Year 3 have been working hard on practising their times tables in class and have made excellent progress. The children will be able to supplement this practice moving forward as their teachers start to introduce more Chromebook work in school this term.

Year 4 children have all been busy writing instructions in English and I have been informed that the children should now be able to make you a cup of tea – so get ready to put your feet up! During Science, the children visited the Science laboratory and created CO2. 

As we end this week, rather excitingly, I have been hearing reports that LAMDA examinations were once again fantastic, with many children earning themselves Merits and Distinctions.  Well done to all those who undertook these examinations, they should feel rightfully proud that their efforts have been rewarded.

Staff are looking forward to the opportunity to catch-up with Year 6 parents next week with consultations on Tuesday and Thursday.  We also look forward to seeing many of you at the BHCC bonfire and fireworks display on Friday 10th November to end the week with a bang!


  • Children doing forest school during their activity sessions this half term,  will need appropriate clothing (waterproof and warm) to participate. The children involved in this activity know who they are
  • Children should continue to read to an adult 2-3 times per week please and have their reading journal signed


Please could we remind you that parents shouldn’t be entering the Thomas Moore building without being accompanied by a member of our staffing body.
This week has seen new rotations in TEDS, so if your child has food technology, please can they remember to bring to school a container.

Stars of the week were awarded to Joshua (3G), Remy (3R), Maxx (4G) and Toby (4R)

Have wonderful (hopefully dry) weekends,

Miss Tyrrell
Head of Middle Prep
Deputy DSL

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