24th November 2023
What a productive week we have all had this week. Walking around the School, there is a joyful atmosphere with children working hard in their lessons.
On Monday morning, there was a harmonious sound in the air as the Nightingale Choir rehearsed their items for our upcoming events. It is always a joy to hear the children sing, particularly trying to get their mouths around the tricky lyrics of ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’. Continuing with the musical theme, Year 3 then had a music demonstration workshop, where they were introduced to a vast array of instruments.
I was also fortunate enough to walk in on Year 3s practising their times tables where I was drawn in and taught a dance by Mr O’Kelly and the Year 3s. They created the dance in order to help them learn their seven times tables. Such experiential learning helped embed their knowledge in a way that stimulated their senses (and mine!)
Year 4s have had a busy week continuing with double digit multiplication in maths. Our staff room fridge was adorned with cups of setting jelly after their science lessons exploring the melting points of different solids. Rainforest tribes have been researched in geography and lots of fun was had deciding whether to be a citizen of Sparta or Athens in history! In PSHE, they had the opportunity to celebrate their differences, how they make them unique, and the importance of using kind words and actions.
Year 5 have also been busy looking at imperative or ‘bossy’ verbs in English and have been inventing their own sandwiches – some of which resulted in very interesting combinations of flavours and ingredients, indeed! In maths, they have had the opportunity to attempt a past practice paper for their upcoming Junior Maths Challenge, and enjoyed the challenging questions and feedback discussions surrounding these.
There is a slight sense of trepidation with our Year 6s as they approach their ISEB 11+ exams on Monday, but they should feel reassured after their mocks this week, as they did very well. We had some very constructive parent consultations this week, and it was lovely to see many children there being involved in their own learning journey.
We ended the week with a very poignant Remembrance Service, during which our eldest children in the school had the opportunity to lay crosses beside the driveway. We heard moving choral numbers from the Bridewell Choir, who sang with such composure. It is always special to come together as a School community.
Stars of the week were awarded to Georgia (3G), Talia (3R), Sophie (4G) and Ben (4R). Well done!
I hope to see many of you at the bonfire and fireworks display, which will end our week with a bang!
Miss Tyrrell
Head of Middle Prep
Deputy DSL