News from Middle Prep

Head of Middle-Prep

In history, Year 3’s have been thinking about how the Celts and the Romans might have seen Boudicca and how their points of view might have been drastically different.  They took the opportunity to discuss how this is a crucial part of understanding history and how it is made and written! In maths, the children have demonstrated tremendous success in their division topic, they have been putting to use their ever improving times tables knowledge. Keep that practice at home going!  

Today the smell of citrus orange wafted around the school as the children made their Christingles, ahead of our Christingle service on Monday morning next week.  We are very much looking forward to our first Christingle service with readings and prayers from children, Bridewell choir leading our hymns and nightingales choir performing.  You are warmly invited to join us for the service, which will begin at 8:50am, followed by refreshments in the Refectory.

We look forward to welcoming Year 3 and 4 parents next week for parent consultations, where you will have the opportunity to find out in greater detail how your children have settled into this academic year.


  • Please could you check over pencil cases at home to ensure that the children have all the correct items required


  • Christingle Service (open to parents) – Monday 27th November, 8:50am
  • Parents Consultations – Monday 27th and Wednesday 29th November
  • Autumn Concert – Tuesday 28th November, 3:30pm – 4:30pm
  • 4R Assembly – Friday 1st December

Stars of the week were awarded to Lucinda (3G), Abhi (3R), Alexander (4G) and Felix (4R)

Have a lovely, restful weekend,

Miss Tyrrell

Head of Middle Prep

Deputy DSL