News from Middle Prep

football game middle prep

Welcome back, everyone.  I hope you all had lovely holidays with some good festive cheer.

The children have come back to school with wonderful memories of their Christmas endeavours, and it has been wonderful listening to them eagerly describing these to us.  We have welcomed some new faces to the school too, both in our staffing body and our teaching body and, as always, they have been welcomed in the traditional Barrow Hills way with very open arms.

We started the week thinking about New Year resolutions with Mr Towers sharing his with the children.  I have heard from many children what their aims are for this new year. Now it remains to be seen who can continue with these resolutions!

On my travels around the school, I have been pleased to see the children getting back into the swing of learning.  We have had lessons with a good degree of challenge and the children are engaged and ready to learn.

Year 4 have excitedly started their new class reader, ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo.  This story is a gripping World War II story, where the children will be taken to the heart of a tumultuous period in history, which will enhance their historical knowledge.

Next week, we look forward to welcoming Year 5 parents and children in for consultations, where there will be an opportunity to discuss how the children have progressed so far this academic year.

I wish you all lovely weekends, wrap up warm!

Miss Tyrrell
Head of Middle Prep
Deputy DSL