I know that some parents are looking for ongoing recommendations for reading books, especially at this time when the children do not have access to the library at school, so I’d like to recommend the website LoveReading4Kids which you can join for free for monthly book recommendations, competitions, children’s literary news and links.
LoveReading4Kids is the ‘biggest and best’ recommendation site for children’s books. Their passion for children’s books ranges from toddlers to teenagers and ensures that whatever the age of your child, whatever their interest, that you have a steady stream of brilliant book recommendations available monthly with the aim of helping engender that life-long love of reading in children.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to remind you all that I am happy to help with book recommendations for your children. Please feel free to contact me on lje@barrowhills.org any time, just let me know the year group of child, approximate reading ability and maybe their interests i.e. dogs, adventure, war stories.
Mrs Emmett, Librarian