20th May - 24th May

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Barrow Hills Bulletin


Dear Parents,

We have enjoyed a productive week as we wrap up another eventful half term at Barrow Hills.

We were lucky with the weather, as perhaps the second sunny day in what seemed like a decade allowed us to capture the whole school photograph and sports team photos. A link will follow shortly should you wish to obtain a copy. Thank you for sending in your children so well presented.

The rain returned, but it did not stop Barrow Hills from winning at home in our Pentathlon on Wednesday. The dedication and perseverance of our children were truly commendable, and you can see the results in the sports report below. Congratulations also to the Aldro, Amesbury and Pennthorpe School participants for their hard work and achievements.

Our pupils excelled in their recent LAMDA (London Academy of Music & Dramatic Art) exams this week. We expect their commitment to the arts and their outstanding performances to result in strong scores, which we will share in due course.

On the arts front, our ballerina Molly Charlton will be performing in ‘Ballet Central’ at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre in Guildford. Molly took up dance at Barrow Hills, and it is wonderful to see her professional career flourishing. We are organising a staff expedition to the theatre to support her.

Over half term, we will continue with the courtyard enhancements and hope for the children to start using the space by week two. Likewise, we anticipate completing the new Upper Prep Common Room within the next couple of weeks. The new outdoor stage to the rear of the Great Roke is nearly finished.

Many families have asked again for the link to our short but sweet “Willow Dome” video. You can view it here, and we are delighted to report it has had over 50,000 views so far.

Just a date to share with family and friends; we have a ‘Through the Trees’ fun event on the morning of the 8th June, just prior to our Proms in the Park.

Have a great half term, and I know many of the staff and children will be at the Brook Fete on Bank Holiday Monday.

Mr John Towers

Head of Upper Prep

Dear Parents,

I always feel a little sad at this time of year as we prepare to say goodbye to our Year 8 cohort. This week is their last week before their CE 13+ exams begin after half term. After their exams, they embark on a wonderful few weeks of additional educational and adventurous activities – bike rides, a residential trip to the Ardèche, rehearsing and performing a ‘Play in a Day’, a forestry afternoon, art and science activities plus many, many more! I have taught many of these children since Year 5 and it has been such a joy to see them not only progress academically, but also to watch them mature into the kind and responsible individuals they are today.

Year 8, I wish you well. Work hard over half term. Try your very best so that when you receive your CE 13+ results from Mr Towers on June 13th you will know that you have worked as hard as you possibly could and that you have made your teachers and your parents proud.

Don’t forget to restock your pencil cases over the break and make sure you have plenty of pens (not biros!) and any maths equipment you may need. Bring these in a clear pencil case. Check you can operate your own calculator. Bring in a reading book so that you can read if you are waiting for others to finish.

The plans for the Upper Prep Common Room continue to progress, which is very exciting. The Year 8 children have begun to write a ‘Code of Conduct’. This includes very sensible ideas about food and drink (it is not allowed!) and some great ideas for taking fair turns on the tech equipment!

Some of Upper Prep took part in the Barrow Hills Pentathlon this week and I was very pleased to hear that the senior boys and girls excelled throughout the afternoon. Well done to everyone who participated. I hear Barrow Hills won which is fantastic news! Thank you to all the staff who organised this superb event.

The Year 7 children have also been preparing for their exams after half term and I have been impressed with their studious approach. They are also finding time to rehearse for their ‘Evening of Music and Drama’. Well done Year 7! The Year 7 children will also be writing letters over half term to apply for their captaincy posts. The deadline for these applications is June 3rd so start thinking about the position you would like to apply for over half term.

Finally, I wish you all a wonderful half term break and I look forward to seeing you again in June. Let’s hope the weather starts to improve soon!

Mrs Mason

Head of Middle Prep

Dear Parents,

There has been a buzz around Middle Prep this week as Year 6 shared their tales from Snowdonia. They clearly had an amazing time, and I have thoroughly enjoyed hearing about their adventures. Tuesday brought another wave of excitement with our annual pentathlon for Years 3-8, and I am thrilled to announce that we won overall despite tough competition from several other local schools.

Year 4 has been busy researching intriguing and lesser-known questions about the digestive system. They have also been practicing diligently for their assembly on Friday. Additionally, they are now well-prepared to survive a volcano eruption – a testament to their hands-on learning experiences.

Our parent consultations were very productive, and it was good to see so many Year 5 and Year 6 children attend with their parents. It was an excellent opportunity to discuss progress and celebrate some very impressive exam results.

Well done to all who participated in the LAMDA exams; I have my fingers crossed for some well-earned results soon.

We ended the week with some delicious treats, courtesy of the BHCC; a delightful way to wrap up before the half-term break.

Wishing you all a wonderful and restful half-term.

Miss Tyrrell

Head of Pre-Prep

Dear Parents,

We were very fortunate that the warm sunshine we’d been spoiled with last weekend continued into Monday for the whole school photo. The children looked particularly smart on Monday morning and were all extremely patient as they waited to be directed to their seats for their photo.

Reception have been joining Year 1 and Year 2 in the Pre-Prep Garden for both morning break and lunch time play for the past week or so as part of their summer transition schedule. While I have been on duty, I have particularly noticed how popular the bikes and scooters on the hard court have been. On the subject of transition, Year 2 have been enjoying weekly visits over to the Thomas More building which houses Year 3 and Year 4 classrooms, and enjoying story time with Miss Tyrrell who has been reading the ‘Tale of Despereaux’ by Katie DiCamillo.

On Thursday, it was the turn of Year 1 to experience the VR headsets to embellish their topic work. They enjoyed exploring a number of different coastlines including New Zealand, Devon and Cornwall.

Well done to Sammy (Rec), George W (1R), Otis (1G) and Arlo (2G) who were presented with Work of the Week certificates this week. From elaborate designs of ancient Egyptian collars and impressively creative designs using wooden blocks to detailed writing about the chicks and fantastic progress in reading, Pre-Prep pupils have clearly been working hard.

House Points are now fully engrained in daily school life for Pre-Prep pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, and some of the children received their gold certificate in this morning’s assembly. This recognises the achievement of 45 (EYFS) or 90 (KS1) House points awarded by an individual so far this year. Well done to Freddie, Hugo, George W, Walter, Otis, Matilda and Sophie in Year 1 and to Hugh and Ishir in Year 2. A special congratulations is also extended to Matilda (Y1G) who was awarded the half termly Pre-Prep Playtime Award.

After assembly, it was straight onto the school minibus for Year 2 who headed out for the rest of the day to Haslemere Museum. The pupils enhanced their history curriculum by taking part in a workshop studying Ancient Egyptian beliefs about life after death. The children continued their learning about mummification by disembowelling their mummy-doll, visiting their real mummy, Par-Er-Abu, and mummifying their own toy! Year 2 have recently been writing their own Egyptian fairy tales in English lessons and certainly left the museum with some inspiring and imaginative ideas!

Finally, two weeks tomorrow, Saturday 8th June, is our open event; Through the Trees, from 10.00 – 11.30am. Please do come along and enjoy a range of activities. You are welcome to bring family and friends. There is no need to book.

Wishing you all a lovely half term break.

Mrs Barnett

School Notices

For Parents – Managing Screen Time

With half-term almost upon us, some parents may be looking for guidance about helping their children to develop a healthy relationship with technology.

Internet Matters has a series of tips and guides to help; including setting up parental controls, finding other activities to do, agreeing on boundaries and more.

Weekly News
