Kindy and Nursery have enjoyed a wonderful week in the beautiful sunshine. They have all had the opportunity to experience a range of super activities. They have enjoyed water play in the afternoons observing floating and sinking objects as they poured and squirted water!
The children have been down to the orchard to paint an apple tree. Every painting is unique and together they make a beautiful display. They have played with a parachute in music to help them understand high and low notes.
They love their new investigation table and collected an assortment of bark, fir cones, leaves, acorns and twigs to enhance their knowledge and understanding of the world and changing seasons.
They have also drawn self portraits and explored how faces change according to emotions. They enjoyed naming body parts as they sang ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’.
All the children have listened to the instructions to ‘start’ and ‘stop’ in their PE lesson and had fun running races. They have recognised how their body changes when they move quickly.
The shared play time and free flow with the fantastic Reception children continues to be a huge success; particularly with the older children demonstrating kindness and consideration for the younger ones on a daily basis.
This week has been so much fun for both staff and children!