Max (6R) represented Barrow Hills at the British Shooting Schools Pistol Championship Regional Qualifier – Junior Class (Years 6-8) shortly before Christmas, and the results are in!
Shooting two handed at a static target at 10m, Max scored 144/200 from 20 shots, placing Barrow Hills 5th overall in the South East region. Despite being the highest placed Year 6 in the South East, nationally 10th boy across all year groups and 2nd highest placed Year 6 boy, competition in the South East is fierce, and only the top two regional placings go through to the Championship finals. Well done to Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School, Rochester and Churcher’s College, Petersfield for making it to the Championship and representing the South East.
Just before returning to school, Max took part in the Pony Club Area Qualifier for the National Winter Triathlon Championships. Max wasn’t expecting a great result as he went up an age group according to Pony Club rules. This also meant that he was shooting ‘turning’ targets – where the target is exposed face on for only four seconds per shot. But to his great surprise and delight Max won best swim score, shot 900/1000, and ran 1K fast enough to come second individually and therefore qualify for the Championship final and contribute to a team 1st place. Go Max!