When did you decide to become a teacher?

A career change in my mid thirties, a chance to take a history degree.

What qualifications do you have?

BA(Hons), PGCE Secondary, WSET (Wine and Spirit Education Trust) Higher Certificate – not terribly difficult!

What’s your favourite part of the job?

Relating some of the great stories that make history fascinating.

What’s your least favourite part of the job?

I am not mad about glue – I tend to get quite a lot on me!

Tell us something interesting about yourself we might not know.

I appeared in the Mike Leigh film ‘Peterloo’ film as an extra. My father dropped my bike to my prep school by an RAF Wessex helicopter when I was 11 years old – my 15 minutes of fame!

What’s your favourite food?

Steak, thin fries and a salad with a French dressing.

What’s your favourite holiday destination?

I loved Barbados and Italy. I have been to both countries on one occasion.

Do you have any pets?

I help to look after a Boxer dog called Margot.

If you could have dinner with three famous people (past or present) who would they be and why?

David Niven – an Old Stoic like me and a man who could get on with anyone, Andy Irvine, as I always wanted to play full back for Scotland and I loved his attacking prowess, Richard Hilary, a rather tragic but fascinating figure figure from the Battle of Britain, who wrote a book called ‘The Last Enemy’.

What is your greatest achievement?

Being father to two wonderful (I’m biased!) children.

Describe yourself in three words

Impatient, good listener, loyal.

What book are you currently reading?

‘Fighter Boys’ by Patrick Bishop.

What was your favourite subject at school?

Academic – history. I also loved sport – football, hockey, rugby and cricket in particular.

Is there anything you would like to learn to do that you cannot do?

I know and can do so little, the list is long; however, flying appeals to me.
