It seems that one of the most important things to create a successful busy library is to have the books and games that the children really want to read and play. The idea is to introduce a ‘book suggestion box’ for 2021 where children and staff may complete a book request slip and post it in the box. I will look through these regularly and purchase what I can. The child who made the suggestion will get first refusal when the book/game(s) arrive. For now, I am happy to receive these suggestions and ideas by email to for the VIRTUAL BOOK SUGGESTION BOX instead.
Some children already have an idea of what genre of book they like, but don’t always know what specific book they want to read within that genre. Others are unsure generally and would like direction when choosing their next book. By introducing a ‘BOOK JAR’ to the library, with suggested reads allocated to different genres, hopefully this will help them to choose an appropriate book. The jar will contain coloured slips with book titles on that correspond to the colour coding below. The idea is to take a lucky dip suggestion from the jar!
Click on the image below and you will find the genres in our VIRTUAL BOOK JAR instead. Ask your child to email me with their genre choice and the title of the last book they read, and I will send them some ‘next book suggestions’.
Finally, you may find this link useful at home as well as in school. This is a basic ‘book finder’ link that allows you and your children to enter an age range (which you can juggle according to reading age as opposed to actual age if needed) and choose a genre and the website will suggest some ideas for books that you may like.
PIease also feel free to contact me directly (particularly during times of distance learning) to see if we have a book available in the library that your child would like to borrow, and I will arrange to leave it at the front entrance for you to drive-by and collect.
Mrs Emmett, Librarian