This week saw the start of a very important time in the Christian Calendar, the long build up to Easter, known as Lent. With this in mind, our Outdoor Classroom activities have revolved around Shrove Tuesday or ‘Pancake Day’ as the children know it.
A popular alternative suggestion to this was ‘crêpe day’, which I believe came from their enjoyment of our recent Pre-Prep French day! A traditional Pancake race was in order, the children were put into teams and each raced around an obstacle course, balancing a pancake in a frying pan, being cheered on by their team. The wind and rain helped the race along, providing slippery mud and the odd wild gust, which added to the hilarity and children’s enjoyment.
Once in the woods, the children set about creating their own pancakes using tree stumps, covering them in various ‘toppings’ found scattered on the woodland floor. Nutella, sugar and sprinkles (mud, leaves and pine needles) were popular choices. The sessions were rounded off with the story of the ‘Runaway Pancake’ and some free time to explore.
Mrs Wilson