Heads of House
“I wanted to help my teachers which is why I wanted to be Head of House” Thomas
“I wanted to help the younger children in House competitions” Honeysuckle
“I wanted to help the teachers with jobs around the school” Sophie
“I wanted to help people which is why I wanted to help people” Poppy
“I wanted to see what it was like to have a big responsibility” Reuben

Forest School Monitors
“I love Forest School and I wanted to help Mrs Wilson” Charlotte
“I wanted to help Mrs Wilson” Henry

School Council Reps
“I wanted to be in the School Council because I like helping people” Luke
“I wanted to be on the School Council so that I would know what people want for the school” Ellie

Sports Captains
“I really like sport so I wanted to be a sports captain” Ben P
“I love all sports especially rugby and football so I wanted to be a sports captain” Benjamin

Wellbeing monitors
“I like helping people when they are lonely” Hannah
“I like helping people” Seb