The children in Reception have been enjoying a series of ‘Supertato’ books this week, about a crime fighting potato and his nemesis the Evil Pea.
They have watched ‘story videos’ of the books, recorded by their teachers and been inspired to variously model, draw and create their own ‘supervegetable’. They have produced some lovely writing about their superveggie – using their sounds to have a go at describing their hero and his or her adventures. The children have also engaged in a range of Supertato-related activities, such as carrying out ice experiments and making colourful superhero masks.
They enjoyed Madme Newman’s French lesson and have watched video recorded maths lessons and undertaken a range of maths activities. It has definitely raised a smile when parents have reported their children saying ‘good morning’ and ‘goodbye’ to their teachers when they see their faces or hear their voices online.
The children have also been active outside, inspired by a virtual PE lesson from Mrs Burnett and Outdoor Classroom suggestions from Mrs Wilson.
They also, of course, have undertaken a whole range of other wonderful activities and experiences with their parents, which the teachers have loved seeing on Tapestry.
Well done Reception – a great first week of homeschooling!