Week two has been a busy one for Reception.
The children have been learning about money in maths this week. Parents’ wallets and purses have been raided by children eager to look at and compare various different coins. They have continued with their reading and writing and marvelled at the amazing transformation of caterpillar to butterfly in their work on lifecycles.
They have enjoyed a range of stories and poems, including a book about a little girl called Daisy who would NOT eat her peas! The children then had fun using stencils to create their own ‘pea art’ – Daisy from the story would have been appalled!
We have also been very impressed by the way that families are adapting the learning to suit their own situations, showing great resourcefulness and humour in overcoming some of the challenges. We have thoroughly enjoyed seeing what everyone has been doing at home and we are very proud of all the children.
Keep up the good work!
Mrs Harris and Mrs Livingston