World Book Day is one of the highlights of our Library year at the Barrow Hills! We love the annual celebration of authors, illustrators, books and the joy of reading, and usually take the opportunity to have a whole week of interactive activities including a local author visit. While this year may be slightly different due to lockdown, the children have had the opportunity today to get involved with lots of activities to celebrate our own World Book Day.
Reading for pleasure is at the heart of World Book Day. We know that making every day a book day can have significant impacts on children and young people’s wellbeing. According to the World Book Day charity, three in five children and young people said that reading made them feel better during the first lockdown which is great, if not surprising news to those of us that read regularly anyway. It shows just how important it is to encourage children to read for pleasure during these very turbulent times.
So, with that in mind, today at Barrow Hills in the Prep Department, we have been lucky enough to visit the Virtual Usborne Book Fayre with our digital £1.00 book token, met the author Adam Baron, who also donated two signed books and a goodie bag to the school, sat back and listened to a ‘Story Time’ audiobook, got involved with a live session run by World Book Day called ‘Books & the Real World’, watched a theatre production of a famous classic story by The Hobgoblin Theatre Co. funded by the BHCC, got competitive with our Form Teachers in the ‘Grand Book Day Kahoot Quiz’, tackled some ‘Free choice activities’ and then finished off the day with a ‘Pass It On Story Time’ read by the School Captains. The pre-prep children have also taken part in a selection of activities, although I am personally sad not to have been able to run the successor event to the highly successful and fun Tiger Who Came to Tea afternoon!
It was lovely to see the children in all their costumes. As usual, everyone made such a lovely effort and I am really looking forward to gathering all the photographs into a fabulous display.
Please note that the video below is just a small selection of the wonderful photos that have been sent in, the full gallery is coming soon!