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Barrow Hills Library Encourages Gaming!

…fresh air, those who prefer to read a good book to a mass game of football on the astro, or to play a quiet card game than a bustling game

Sport Handbook

…show good control and coordination in large and small movements, move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space and handle equipment and tools effectively. Years 1 and 2…

Trial of E-Safety App

…the game for 10 months, was very impressed with the constructive feedback from the children, “I was hoping to use the time spent with the children to assess whether the…

News from Upper Prep

Monologue class, and Tess came second with her monologue ‘Under Hypnosis’. Edith won the Solo Shakespeare class with her piece from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Well done to all the…

Mr Pretorius’ Maths Column

…would be very worthwhile to revisit some of this advice: How you can help your child with maths at home: Play Board Games: Games like Snakes and Ladders or Ludo…

An Adventure to Mr Towers’ office

…with following instructions and playing some parachute games. With the weather changing don’t forget your waterproofs as we will be doing more adventures. Have a great weekend The Nursery team…

Pre-Prep Welcome

Dear Parents, We want the children in Pre-Prep to be happy and confident. Their early experiences in their education are invaluable and a great start will help them thrive at…

News from Pre-Prep

…including the ‘Fairy Unicorns’ and ‘Billy and the Mini Monsters’ series. Children from Kindy and Reception enjoyed listening to her read one of the books from her monsters series, while…

French visitors

Pupils and staff from La Providence School in Dieppe came to visit Barrow Hills on Monday12th October 2015. During the school day, the French visitors spent time getting to know…