On Thursday December 1st, Year 5 performed an Evening of Music and Drama to a packed hall of nearly one hundred people. The first half saw this very talented cast transformed into cats by some clever parents and teachers, and sing four songs from ‘Cats’: Bustopher Jones, Magical Mr Mistoffelees, Old Deuteronomy and Memory. Year 5 sang with great enthusiasm and it was clear they were enjoying every moment. They also recited two funny poems about cats. The parents enjoyed a drink in the refectory while Year 5 wiped off their ears and whiskers and had their make up re-applied to be diverse characters ranging from Museum Curators, Cleaners, Firemen, Doctors and Guards to Ministers of the Museum, Policemen, Inspectors, Messengers and Phantoms!
Their funny One Act play was about a mysterious thief called The Phantom who kept trying to steal a priceless artefact from a failing museum. Year 5 enjoyed taking on new roles and characters as well as dressing up in various disguises. They even searched the audience to see if The Phantom was hiding there…
Everyone performed with confidence and it was a pleasure to watch Year 5 having so much fun. Thanks to Mr Wardell, our wonderful Musical Director, and to Mrs Mason and Mrs Campbell-John for directing the plays. Thanks also to one of our Year 8 Drama Captains, Jess, and Emily (Year 7) and Hermione (Year 6) and Miss Tan for helping backstage. Thanks to all the amazing parents who helped with transforming children into cats before the show.
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