Weekly Message – Head of Pre-Prep

22nd September 2023

I have been delighted to see the enthusiasm and engagement of pupils across the Pre-Prep in our first couple of weeks. They have been embracing the opportunities to learn and grow together as we move towards the heart of the autumn term. The seasons certainly began to shift this week, and waterproofs and wellies were a must as children (and staff) were determined to continue to enjoy the beautiful green spaces we have surrounding us.

Well done to the youngest members of Barrow Hills who represented the Pre-Prep so admirably at the Triathlon on Saturday morning. The determination and pride on their faces was clear to see and we recognised their efforts at Tuesday morning’s Pre-Prep Assembly, as well as announcing Mia in Reception and George B in Year 1 as the overall winners. Congratulations were also extended to four children who were awarded the first Work of the Week Certificates at assembly on Tuesday:

Reception – Alexander
Year 1 – Otis and George W
Year 2 – Arlo

Children from Kindy to Year 2 have been busy learning some Harvest Festival themed songs this week ahead of our Harvest Festival Assembly on Tuesday 3rd October. Mrs Beddington will send further details in Tuesday’s Comms.

Next week, we have a Phonics Workshop on Thursday 28th September for current Reception Parents at 8:45am. Tea and Coffee will be served in the Pre-Prep Library from 8:15am.

As mentioned, we have extensive woodland and gardens to enjoy here each day so please ensure your child brings a waterproof jacket and waterproof trousers in their kitbag, along with wellies, each week.

Wishing you all a lovely, hopefully drier, weekend!

Mrs Lesley Barnett

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