It has been an action packed week in Upper Prep!
Year 8 delivered a fantastic performance of Annie on Friday night but still managed to come in full of energy and enthusiasm on Monday morning!
All of Years 7 and 8 thoroughly enjoyed watching the Nativity on Monday morning and thought that the younger children did brilliantly!
Tuesday saw all of Upper Prep decked out in some amazing Christmas jumpers. They were all clearly inspired by Year 7’s excellent and informative assembly last week. Year 7 also provided all Forms with a collecting box and I am sure we have raised a lot of money for their worthwhile cause.
Wednesday was the day of our Carol Services and it was lovely to hear the Bridewell Choir sing so beautifully with solos from Izzy R , Cleo, Izzy A and Edith in Year 8. Thank you also to Jacob, Cleo, Bo and Charlie for reading so well.
Thursday was “Panto Day” (oh yes it was!) and everyone in Upper Prep, including their teachers, really enjoyed this funny pantomime, ‘Peter Pan’. Our Forest School Captains, Charlie and Sammy, also managed to fit in a trip to the outdoor classroom to support Pre-Prep who enjoyed a visit from Father Christmas himself!
Friday saw everyone enjoy a final assembly of 2023.
I cannot believe that this term has gone by so quickly. Parents, thank you all for your support. Children , I hope you enjoy a peaceful Christmas and see you all in January!
Mrs Mason